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Nephio India Meetup – Spring 2024

By May 14, 2024No Comments


  • Rahul Jadhav, SIG-Security Chair, Nephio
  • Raj Panchapakesan, AccuKnox  
  • Syed Hadi, AccuKnox

About the meetup

The Nephio India meetup in Bangalore on April 4th, 2024, was one of the first meetups facilitated in India. It was an insightful day filled with 5G ORAN, Telco, security, and Kubernetes Orchestration talks. It also provided for engaging in discussions and valuable networking opportunities. Those who missed the meetup can visit this YouTube playlist, which consists of the talk recordings. The meetup was organized with 8 Speakers, 7 Talks, 10+ Organizational representations, Housefull of techie attendees, Great networking, Q&As, and learning new topics in Telco and 5G management.

Event Recap

The day started with registration and a warm welcome from Venkatesh, the Technical Program Manager at Google. Following the welcome, we had a series of informative talks covering various aspects of Nephio:

  • Introduction to Nephio: Kaushik, Principal Software Engineer at Google, provided a comprehensive overview of Nephio – (Deck here)
    • Overview:
      • Nephio is a cloud-native automation platform designed to simplify the deployment and management of telecom network functions (CNFs) on Kubernetes.
    • Key Points:
      • Problem:
        • Telecom operators face challenges in deploying and scaling CNFs due to complex configurations, vendor-specific requirements, and manual processes. This hinders agility and innovation.
      • Solution:
        • Nephio offers a standardized and automated approach to CNF deployment and lifecycle management. It streamlines workflows, reduces manual errors, and accelerates time-to-market.
      • Key Features:
        • Cloud-Native: Built on Kubernetes for scalability and portability across multi-cloud environments.
        • Intent-Based: Users define desired network outcomes, and Nephio translates them into automated actions.
        • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Enables automated testing and deployment of CNF updates.
        • Day 2 Operations: Simplifies ongoing management of CNFs, including scaling, healing, and upgrades.
      • Release R1:
        • Kubernetes based control-plane
        • CRD schema
        • Operators of Operators interworking
        • CRD & Operators for Cloud-infrastructure deployment
        • CRD & Operators for open network functions (Free5GC NFs)
        • Automation of end-to-end deployment
        • Test suite
      • Release R2:
        • Strengthened interoperability with enhanced multi-vendor and multi-cloud support for flexible telecom solutions.
        • Expanded end-to-end cloud-native automation with Open Air Interface (OAI) 5G core and RAN components 
        • Integration with the latest release of Porch, ensuring improved stability and security in deployments.
      • Benefits:
        • Accelerated CNF Deployment: Reduces time and complexity of deploying CNFs on Kubernetes.
        • Improved Operational Efficiency: Automates repetitive tasks and reduces manual errors.
        • Enhanced Agility and Scalability: Enables rapid response to changing network demands.
        • Multi-Vendor Flexibility: Avoids vendor lock-in and promotes innovation.
      • Overall, Nephio aims to empower telecom operators to embrace cloud-native technologies and accelerate their network transformation journey.
  • Nephio: Doing security the scalable way: Rahul Jadhav, CTO & Co-founder of AccuKnox, discussed how Nephio empowers scalable security solutions – (Deck here)
    • Overview:
      • “Nephio India: Security” discusses the security considerations and best practices for deploying and managing cloud-native network functions (CNFs) on Kubernetes using the Nephio project.
    • Key Points:
      • Cloud-Native Network Functions (CNFs): CNFs are network functions built using cloud-native principles, making them scalable, flexible, and easier to manage in modern cloud environments.
      • Nephio Project: Nephio aims to simplify the deployment and management of CNFs on Kubernetes by providing automation and orchestration tools, blueprints for common deployment scenarios, and security best practices.
      • Security Challenges: Deploying CNFs introduces security challenges, such as securing the Kubernetes infrastructure, managing network traffic between pods, and protecting sensitive data.
      • Nephio Security Best Practices: The presentation emphasizes the importance of following security best practices when deploying CNFs with Nephio. These practices include:
        • Hardening the Kubernetes infrastructure by securing the control plane, using network policies, and limiting access to sensitive resources.
        • Securing network traffic between pods using service meshes, network segmentation, and encryption.
        • Protecting sensitive data by using secrets management, access controls, and data encryption.
      • Nephio Security Features: Nephio includes several features to help secure CNF deployments, such as:
        • Network Policies: Define network traffic rules between pods and namespaces.
        • Secrets Management: Store sensitive data securely and manage access to secrets.
        • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Grant permissions based on user roles and responsibilities.
        • Auditing and Logging: Track changes and events to identify security issues.
    • The presentation provides a comprehensive overview of the security considerations for deploying CNFs with Nephio and outlines best practices to ensure the security and integrity of cloud-native network environments. By following these recommendations, organizations can leverage the benefits of CNFs while mitigating potential risks and vulnerabilities.
  • Nephio’s R2 Release updates by Sandeep Sharma, Principal Architect at Aarna Networks – (Deck here)
    • Overview:
      • “Nephio R2” outlines the key updates and enhancements introduced in the second release (R2) of the Nephio project.
    • Key Points:
      • Enhanced Automation: Nephio R2 introduces new automation capabilities to further streamline the deployment and management of cloud-native network functions (CNFs) on Kubernetes. These automation features simplify day-to-day operations and reduce the manual effort required.
      • Improved Scalability: The release focuses on enhancing Nephio’s scalability to better accommodate larger and more complex network environments. This ensures that Nephio can handle increased workloads and support the growing demands of modern networks.
      • Expanded Deployment Options: Nephio R2 expands the deployment options for CNFs, providing more flexibility and choice for organizations. This includes support for different cloud platforms and infrastructure providers, enabling greater adaptability to diverse environments.
      • Enhanced Security: Security remains a top priority in Nephio R2. The release includes security enhancements to protect CNFs and their associated data, addressing potential vulnerabilities and risks.
      • Simplified User Experience: Nephio R2 aims to simplify the user experience by introducing a more intuitive and user-friendly interface. This makes it easier for network administrators and operators to interact with and manage Nephio effectively.
      • Increased Focus on Observability: The release emphasizes observability by providing better monitoring and logging capabilities. This enables operators to gain deeper insights into the health and performance of Nephio deployments, facilitating troubleshooting and optimization.
      • Continued Community Collaboration: Nephio R2 reaffirms the project’s commitment to community collaboration. The release incorporates feedback from the Nephio community and leverages contributions from various stakeholders to drive innovation and improvement.
    • Overall, Nephio R2 builds upon the foundation established in the initial release and aims to address user feedback and industry needs. By focusing on automation, scalability, security, user experience, and observability, Nephio R2 empowers organizations to deploy and manage CNFs more effectively, accelerating the adoption of cloud-native networking technologies.
  • Nephio Package Orchestration power (porch power): Samar Sidharth, Technical Manager from Orange Innovations delved into the power of Nephio’s package orchestration – (Deck here)
    • Overview:
      • Insights into Orange’s journey with Nephio, a cloud-native automation platform for telecom networks.
    • Orange’s Perspective:
      • Challenges: Orange faced complexities in onboarding Network Functions (NFs) due to manual processes, diverse tools, and varying vendor requirements. This resulted in delays and inefficiencies.
      • Goals: Orange aimed to automate NF onboarding, improve collaboration between teams, reduce time-to-market for new services, and enhance network agility.
      • Solution: Nephio Adoption: Orange adopted Nephio to address these challenges. Nephio’s model-driven approach, standardized interfaces, and automation capabilities aligned with Orange’s goals.
    • Key Outcomes of Nephio Adoption:
      • Accelerated NF Onboarding: Orange significantly reduced NF onboarding time from weeks to days, thanks to Nephio’s automation.
      • Improved Collaboration: Nephio’s centralized platform facilitated better communication and coordination between different teams involved in NF deployment.
      • Standardized Processes: Nephio’s model-driven approach brought consistency and standardization to NF onboarding workflows.
      • Enhanced Network Agility: Orange gained the ability to quickly deploy and update NFs, improving their network responsiveness to changing demands.
    • Future Outlook:
      • Orange plans to expand the use of Nephio beyond NF onboarding to other areas like network slicing and 5G service deployment.
      • Orange sees Nephio as a key enabler for its cloud-native network transformation journey.
    • Overall, the presentation highlights Orange’s successful adoption of Nephio and the positive impact it has had on its network operations.
  • Optimizing Telco Operations: Subhash Kumar Singh from Samsung presented strategies and frameworks for service assurance using Nephio – (Deck here)
    • Overview:
      • Optimizing Telco operations with a focus on model-driven approaches and the use of Nephio for automating network functions (NFs) management.
    • Key Points:
      • Telecom Networks: A high-level overview of the complexity of Telecom networks and the challenges involved in managing network functions(NFs)
      • Network Functions(NFs): NFs are essential for delivering various telecom services such as Voice, Data, and Video, each requiring unique deployment, scaling, and operational challenges.
      • Model-Driven Approach: Emphasis on how the model-driven approach can help standardize and automate the management of these NFs.
    • Benefits of Nephio:
      • Simplified Operations: Streamlined processes for deploying, scaling, and healing NFs.
      • Reduced Manual Effort: Automated configuration management reduces errors and improves efficiency.
      • Faster Deployment: Faster time-to-market for new services and features.
      • Vendor Agnostic: Compatible with NFs from various vendors, promoting flexibility and choice.
    • The presentation advocates the use of Nephio as a solution for optimizing telecom operations through automation and model-driven management. Please note that this is a high-level summary and the actual presentation may include more technical details and use cases.
  • E2E 5G Orchestration via Nephio: Nishi Mathur and Girish from Infosys showcased how Nephio can be used as a domain orchestrator for E2E 5G orchestration – (Deck here)
    • Overview:
      • E2E Orchestration via Nephio explores the concept of end-to-end (E2E) orchestration in telecommunications networks using Nephio, a cloud-native automation platform.
    • Key Points:
      • Challenges in Telecom Orchestration:
        • Manual processes and lack of automation hinder agility.
        • Limited visibility into the network and its components leads to troubleshooting challenges.
        • Complex interactions between network functions (NFs) make management difficult.
      • Nephio’s Approach to E2E Orchestration:
        • Leverages cloud-native principles for scalability and flexibility.
        • Employs a model-driven approach to represent network resources and their relationships.
        • Uses declarative intent to define desired network states.
        • Automates deployment, configuration, and lifecycle management of NFs.
        • Provides a unified view of the network for monitoring and troubleshooting.
      • Benefits of Nephio-based E2E Orchestration:
        • Streamlined operations and reduced manual effort.
        • Improved network agility and faster time-to-market for new services.
        • Enhanced network visibility and troubleshooting capabilities.
        • Increased operational efficiency and cost savings.
    • The document highlights the potential of Nephio to revolutionize telecom network orchestration by providing a comprehensive, cloud-native solution for automating the entire lifecycle of network functions.
  • Red Hat & Nephio: Atul Deshpande from Red Hat discussed the synergy between Red Hat and Nephio for scalable O-RAN deployment and AI automation – (Deck here)
    • Overview:
      • “Red Hat & Nephio: Building Synergy for O-RAN and AI/Gen AI,” explores the collaboration between Red Hat and Nephio to leverage open-source technologies for advancing Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN) and artificial intelligence (AI) in the telecommunications industry.
    • Key Points:
      • O-RAN and AI/Gen AI: The presentation emphasizes the importance of O-RAN, which is an open and interoperable architecture for radio access networks (RAN), and AI/Gen AI (Artificial Intelligence and Generative AI), which can be used to optimize network operations and enhance user experiences.
      • Red Hat and Nephio Collaboration: Red Hat and Nephio are working together to build a cloud-native, open-source platform that combines Red Hat OpenShift (a Kubernetes-based container platform) with Nephio’s automation and orchestration capabilities. This platform aims to simplify the deployment and management of O-RAN and AI/Gen AI applications.
      • Benefits of Open Source: The presentation highlights the advantages of using open-source technologies for O-RAN and AI/Gen AI, such as faster innovation, greater flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and a vibrant community of developers.
      • Use Cases: The presentation presents several use cases for the Red Hat and Nephio platform, including:
        • O-RAN Deployment: Automating the deployment and management of O-RAN components using Nephio’s blueprints and workflows.
        • AI-Driven Network Optimization: Leveraging AI/Gen AI to optimize network performance, resource allocation, and traffic management.
        • Intelligent Service Assurance: Using AI/Gen AI to proactively detect and resolve network issues, ensuring high service availability and quality.
      • Roadmap: The presentation outlines the roadmap for the Red Hat and Nephio collaboration, which includes enhancing the platform’s capabilities, integrating with other open-source projects, and fostering a growing ecosystem of partners and developers.
    • Overall, the presentation showcases the potential of Red Hat and Nephio’s collaboration to drive innovation in the telecommunications industry through open-source technologies, enabling faster deployment and adoption of O-RAN and AI/Gen AI.

The informative talks were followed by a dedicated Q&A session and a networking lunch, providing a platform for further discussion and connection building.


We’ve compiled the speaker decks, event photos, and video recordings for your reference:

A huge thanks to all the speakers, attendees, and our partners – The Linux Foundation, Google Cloud, AccuKnox and Kandan Kathirvel, TSC Chair, Nephio, Raj Panchapakesan, Nephio TSC member, Venkatesh Kumar Lakshmikanthan – for facilitating and making this event a resounding success.  We look forward to seeing you at future Nephio India meetups!