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Nephio: Cloud Native Network Automation

Nephio Release 4 is now available

Discover how Nephio Release 4 advances cloud-native network automation with O-RAN integration, GitOps-driven workflows, and enhanced security!

Nephio’s Mission

Nephio’s goal is to deliver carrier-grade, simple, open, Kubernetes-based cloud native intent automation and common automation templates that materially simplify the deployment and management of multi-vendor cloud infrastructure and network functions across large scale edge deployments. Nephio enables faster onboarding of network functions to production including provisioning of underlying cloud infrastructure with a true cloud native approach, and reduces costs of adoption of cloud and network infrastructure.


Nephio is now part of LF Networking

Nephio has been inducted into LF Networking to accelerate collaboration and automated cloud native deployments across Telecom, Cloud Service Providers and Enterprises.


Benefits of Kubernetes Based Cloud Native Automation


An open, simple, widely adopted Kubernetes based cloud native automation that enables multi-vendor support, faster onboarding, easier lifecycle management, embedded control-loop, active reconciliation and service assurance — reducing cost by efficiency and agility.

Cloud Providers

A common cloud-based automation framework based on well-proven Kubernetes technology minimizes the levels of custom automation solutions needed for each application. Kubernetes based automation enables faster development with known technology and assures network functions will deploy and run reliably on top of the Cloud.

Network Function Vendors

A Kubernetes based cloud native automation enables easier multi-vendor integration with cloud providers, makes Network Function onboarding to cloud easier and improves the overall customer experience with simple and reliably integrated cloud native automation.

Thank you to all LF Networking members supporting Nephio

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Join and be part of this effort to enable efficient and on-demand consumption of cloud and edge resources, opening new opportunities for the telecom industry!