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Support Nephio with LF Networking Membership

Become an LF Networking Member and shape the future of network automation with Nephio and beyond

In the ever-changing world of telecom and networking, open source projects like Nephio, now under LF Networking (LFN), embody a growing frontier of innovation and community-driven development. The merger enhances the strengths of both communities, promising a new era of efficient, cloud-native automation on Kubernetes. Join LF Networking to shape the future of Telecom, Cloud Service Providers, and Enterprises!


Why Organizations Join LF Networking to Support Nephio

Innovation through Collaboration

LF Networking fosters collaboration among industry leaders, developers, and organizations to work together on open source networking projects including Nephio. Joining LFN provides access to a diverse and collaborative community, allowing companies to contribute to and benefit from shared resources and expertise.

Brand Amplification

Members can easily tap into LF Networking and Nephio channels that reach like-minded developers, operators, and users around the world. Take part in collaborative, unique marketing opportunities with the LF Networking community events, webinars, newsletters, social media and more.

Cost Efficiency

Membership in LF Networking offers cost-effective solutions for network infrastructure and services. By supporting Nephio and other projects, organizations can reduce operational and capital expenses, avoid unnecessary duplication of efforts, and streamline their software development processes through interoperability and common standards.

Stay Competitive

In a rapidly evolving networking landscape, organizations must stay competitive. Membership in LF Networking fosters a culture of continuous improvement, allowing members to remain agile, responsive, and well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities of the digital age. Supporting Nephio is a strategic step towards shaping the future of networking and driving success.

Ready to join now?


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